-Continental breakfast available in vendor area Thurs and Friday 7:13am - 8:15am
-Thursday Break in vendor are beginning at 2:00pm
- Apple has changed times of their session:
Session 1: 8:30-9:20
Title: iOS 6 Education Deployment Guide
Session 2: 9:35-10:25
Title: Make a Difference: Transform Traditional Teaching with 21st Century Teaching & Learning Tools
Session 3: 10:40-11:30
Title - Apptivities: A Framework for Liberating Learners
Session 4: 1:30-2:20
Title - Implementing an Apple 1 to 1 iPad Initiative at the Elementary level
- Added:
Day/ Time: Thursday, March 7th from 1:30pm - 2:20pm
Room: 306A
Your Personal Learning Network: Following Change to Lead Change
Creating a personal learning network is a practical, professional, and pedagogical way to collaborate and learn. You can use your PLN to learn from others, ask for help on any topic, and contribute your ideas and thoughts. Come learn what a personal learning network is, why you would want to participate in one, and learn how to start using various online tools to build your own personal learning network! Learn how to follow change to lead change!
Kathy Schrock
Cancelled Sessions:
- iOS Efficiency: Real-World Professional Productivity
Thursday, March 7, 2013
From: 4:45pm-5:35pm
In room: 303
- ACES Make History - Student Showcase
- Bridges: Bringing Relevant Inquiry Discovery to Grow Elementary Scientists
Thursday, March 7, 2013
From: 1:30pm - 2:20pm
Room 306A
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