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Concurrent Session 7

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Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  State B


iTunes U - An Educational Content Goldmine! 

Learn about the world's largest online catalog of free education content and courses. Bring your iPad and please have the iTunes U app already downloaded. We'll have extra iPads as well. Discover amazing existing video content, courses for Common Core, and more through the iTunes U portal. This session is designed for those new to iTunes U.

Target Audience:  K-12

Adair Caperton, Education Development Executive  , Apple



Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  301A


Just a Click Away: 

The Internet is rich with hidden treasures that can transform classroom instruction if only educators had time to find them. Explore free tools to support inquiry-based instruction, conceptual understanding, cross-curricular connections, and collaboration at your convenience.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  Middle, High, Administration, Other      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Heather Mullins, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Jennifer Griffin, Hickory Public Schools





Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  301B


Literacy and iPads: Where Technology Meets the Book 

Discover how iPads foster literacy through engagement and research supported reading/ comprehension strategies.  This session will provide demonstrations of apps and student created work that increases literacy across the curriculum.     The purpose of this session is to share how iPads foster literacy across the curriculum while instilling a love for reading.  Attendees will examine various apps and platforms contained within iPad software that cultivate literacy.  This session will provide attendees with ideas and strategies that can be immediately implemented within their classroom.

Strand:  1:1 Computing

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  Mac

Andrew Smith, East Rowan High School




Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  302A


Apples for Change! 

Join us to find out how our HS used iPads and Macbooks as an agent of change to transform our instruction. Learn how we created a culture of teacher leaders who provided multiple layers of support to fellow staff through planning period training, 1:1 support, video tutorials and networking summits after school. (Even though we used Apple devices...a similar project could be done with any device.)

Instructional Transformation Project


Strand:  Technology planning

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  Mac or PC

Paula Elks, South Central HS/Pitt County

Elizabeth Martin, South Central High School

Trey Salacki, South Central High School

Charles Harris, South Central High School




Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  302B


Got TPACK? Let's Play a Game! 


The technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework has many implications for supporting rich and dynamic collaboration within and across school academic planning teams. TPACK ''lens'' building activities can help guide educators to find the best intersection among curricular standards, sound pedagogical choices, and technology that directly supports and enhances student learning. In this session, you will engage in a ''TPACK'' experience that will expand your knowledge and capacity for collaborative planning, implementing, and assessment of technology-infused K-12 learning activities.


Our presentation is hosted HERE!


Strand:  Professional development

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Lisa Hervey, North Carolina State University

Jaclyn Bell, North Carolina State University





Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  302C


Digging Through Minecraft 

Come see the educational potential in the world of Minecraft. In this session, teachers are invited to explore the popular video game, Minecraft. We will play together as we discuss the current and potential uses of this game in the classroom.

Strand:  Gaming

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration, Other      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Sara Toothman, West Pender Middle School

Valerie Ryan, West Pender Middle School




Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  303


iOS Efficiency: Real-World Professional Productivity - Session Cancelled 

Learn proven, time-tested, real-world ways to leverage your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch for increased personal and professional productivity. Discover apps, services and ways to help you better manage your time, communication and productivity to focus on being a more effective educator for your students, co-workers and yourself. Share strategies and get your questions answered by a former Apple employee who understands the difference between tools and toys and could talk about this stuff all day. Attendees are encouraged to bring IOS devices, iPhone, iPad, and iPod.

Strand:  Administration/leadership

Target Audience:  Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Seth Dimbert, Scheck Hillel Community School


Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  304


Free Web 2.0 Tools to Foster Engagement for Students and Organization for Teachers 

Discover useful, FREE Web 2.0 tools that will be sure to engage and excite your students in the classroom and organize you as a teacher. These 20+ Web2.0 tools will foster a student's ability to create, formulate, evaluate, construct, and design ideas and thinking processes.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  PC, Mac

Merenda Benge, RSSS - Morgan Elementary School





Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  305A


Digital Resources in the Elementary Media Center 

Find it a challenge to integrate technology in to media time?  Find out how to easily integrate online resources and the common core standards into ALL your media lessons.  Bring your media center into the 21st century  and make a big impact on your instruction starting tomorrow.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  Elementary      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  Mac

Sedley Abercrombie, Fair Grove Elementary School




Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  305B


All the blogging rules you should break 

Having a successful blog is the goal  of most bloggers, but how do you do that?  And just what does a ''successful blog'' mean?  Although I am not a famous blogger, I have learned a few things from 3 years experience in writing blogs and reading blogs. My successes and failures have been learning experiences for me and they could be for you as well.

Strand:  Community involvement

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   Beginner       Platform:  PC

Andrea Ward, Newton Conover Middle School

Shannon Childress, Shuford Elementary School


Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  306A


Connecting our Global Studies Classroom with the World through Skype 

This session will highlight examples of Skype calls between a US Global  Studies classroom and the connections they have made worldwide.

Project Website:  Connecting Our Class with the World via Web Tools

Presentation Link:  Connecting Our Class Presentation

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  High      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  All platforms

Christy Barham, Rockingham County Schools





Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  306B


A 1:1 Homerun:  The Addition of Haiku Sent Our 1:1 Program Out of the Park! 

Experience how Surry County incorporated a learning management system into their 1:1 program. The presenters will show how Haiku has enhanced the 1:1 program and taken online learning and communication to the next level.

Strand:  1:1 Computing

Target Audience:  K-12, Other      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  PC

Shannon Snow, J. Sam Gentry Middle School/Surry County Schools

Shelley Bryant, Surry County Schools




Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  306C


Google Apps & Tricks 

This intermediate level session gives an overview of Google Apps, shows how to create and share Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Forms, and Calendars. The session will end with cool tricks when using Google Apps.

Strand:  Professional development

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  PC, Mac

Dawn Wetherell, Cleveland County Schools



Concurrent Session  7

Thursday, March 7, 2013            4:45pm-5:35pm

Location:  402


Featured Speaker - Leslie Fisher

The Web 2.0 You Might Not Know About

The Web 2.0 you might not know about: Sure you know about blogs and you might have facebooked with the best of them but Web 2.0 brought the ability to have dynamic interactive web sites. This presentation will introduce you to some of the newest and coolest Web 2.0 sites. We will allow time at the end of the class so you can share any possible Web 2.0 sites we might have missed.


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