
Concurrent Session 6

Page history last edited by K Beck 11 years, 11 months ago

Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  201 RCC


Are Your Students Ready for the Smarter Balanced Technology Requirements? 

Make sure your students have the technology and 21st century skills they need for the upcoming Smarter Balanced assessments.  We will examine some Smarter Balanced examples, and take an in-depth look at Easy Tech, an online instruction that teaches mouse basics to HTML, 21st century skills, online safety, prescriptive keyboarding, and word processing.  Easy Tech engages students with Common Core-aligned curriculum projects, while students gain a sense of accomplishment as they exercise critical thinking and build essential technology skills.  We will also discuss technology assessments that can help you to differentiate instruction.

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, Administration

Sandy Waller, All in Learning



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  202 RCC


Integrating MDM and NAC to Thrive in the Mobile Age 

As mobile learning and BYOD programs move closer to reality, the IT challenges are becoming clearer. Mobility solutions must provide both management of a broad array of user devices, content and apps (MDM) and control of access to critical network resources (NAC), whether the device is district- or student-owned.     Our session will explore the roll of MDM and NAC in a solution that provides full visibility and control of your network and mobile devices.

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other

Dwayne Mackenzie, Data Networks



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  203 RCC


Bring your Common Core Math Class to Life!

In this session, participants will learn how gaming consoles such as the Xbox 360 Kinect and the Wii can bring new life to the mathematics classroom, making learning fun while at the same time delivering the content necessary to teach and implement the state common core math standards.

Target Audience:  K-12

Tony Duncan, Personal Computer Systems




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  204 RCC


Apps and the School-Based Speech-Language Pathologist or Special Educator 

Technology is an ever-increasing component of learning in today's schools. All students can benefit from engaging devices and programs, which augment their academic knowledge and are motivational. This session reviews the effective use of apps in the treatment of speech and/or language delays or deficits and to supplement the language arts curriculum, including RTI. Apps can be adapted to help meet communication needs and to target different skills, such as questioning, cause and effect, describing, naming, and more. Apps that are currently available on the market are demonstrated and ways to adapt commercially available apps will be discussed.

Target Audience:  Elementary, Administration

Beth Holland, Super Duper Publications




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  205 RCC


Managing the Perfect Storm 

Providing ideas and a better understanding of how to use Digital Resources / eBooks to support classroom instruction and common core.

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration

Karei Swift, Follett Library Resources / Follett




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  State A Marriott


Play to Learn: New SMART Solutions! 

Come join us in the SMART Technologies Learning Lab and be amongst the first to get your hands on our new SMART Products including our new SMART Table™ 442i collaborative learning center, LightRaise™ interactive projectors - 40wi and 60wi (the world’s first fully-integrated touch enabled interactive projector), our new document camera 450 (magnified objects, video microscope, web cam, and mixed reality), our 8055i collaborative flat panel interactive display, and more!  Enjoy light refreshments while you “Play to Learn” with SMART!

Target Audience:  K-12

SMART Technologies Staff, SMART Technologies



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  State B Marriott


Apple Configuator 

Join Greg Hall, Apple Systems Engineer, for a deep dive into Apple Configurator-Apple’s free tool to prepare and deploy iPads.

Target Audience:  K-12

Greg Hall, Apple System Engineer, Apple



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm 

Location:  State F Marriott


Data Informed Instruction in a Common Core Classroom

Learn how your formal student benchmark data can support the efficient and effective  development of differentiated instruction for all learners.

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other

Shayla Rexrode, Discovery Education



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  301A


Connecting Parents to the Classroom using Free Virtual Tools 

Sharing free virtual tools linking parents to curriculum and student work in the classroom. Tools include Weebly, Edmodo, Edublogs, Kidblogs, Sign Up Genius, Twitter, Class Dojo and other tools.

Strand:  Community involvement

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Jeffrey Collins, Pleasant Union Elementary School

Heather Brletic-Shipley, Pleasant Union Elementary School

Amanda Lefeld, Pleasant Union Elementary School

Maranda Nussbaum, Pleasant Union Elementary School

Keri Woronka, Pleasant Union Elementary School





Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  301B


Ten Tools for Productivity: Put Your Device to Work for You 

This fast-paced session will introduce you to 10 tools that can increase productivity and efficiency. Learn how to make these tools work for you to help you work smarter, not harder. Many of these tools can work together to maximize your device's capabilities. Bring your device and come prepared to get organized online! Tools we'll explore: Wunderlist, Chrome, Evernote, Google Drive, Symbaloo, IFTTT, Pocket, Zite, Buffer, and Diigo.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Jayme Linton, Lenoir-Rhyne University




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  302A


Who Wants to be on the Morning News Show? 

Producing a morning news show is like engaging in play. Although we take the show seriously, being in front of a camera, operating equipment, and creating multimedia is fun. Play takes many forms, and our show has news, weather, announcements, contests, patriotism, community involvement, and daily visits from Einstein. Our crew changes every 3 weeks - that's long enough to gain mastery, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment without becoming ho-hum. We use Ustream Producer and add multimedia with Animoto, Aucacity, Irfanview, flip video and online video sources. 5th graders produce each show. Learning is fast, fun, and fresh.

Strand:  Project-based learning lesson/unit planning

Target Audience:  Elementary      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  PC

Deborah Icard, Cloverleaf Elementary

Jane Hudson, Cloverleaf Elementary


Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  302B


Achieving Audience:  Digitizing Student Voices in the 21st Century Classroom 

Explore different digital tools that help students create multimedia products. Student voice can be achieved through a variety of tools ranging from web-based programs such as Mixbook and Google Apps to stand alone software programs such as iBooks Author and Mobipocket. Engage your students and allow their voices to resonate in the digital age!

Strand:  1:1 Computing

Target Audience:  Middle, High, Other      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  PC, Mac

Garrett Williams, Union County Public Schools

Rebecca Swiger, Union County Public Schools


You can access presentation materials and other infromation from the web athttps://sites.google.com/a/ucps.k12.nc.us/achieving-audience/  or with the iTunes U App on your iPad/ iPhone by following this enrollment link https://itunesu.itunes.apple.com/enroll/DAR-PBZ-JAA or by entering the enrollment code DAR-PBZ-JAA in the app 




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  302C


Gaming Tools Smackdown 

Gaming or digital based learning has been around for a decade whether virtual, simulation, or web-based.  According to the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), games promote active learning, learning by doing, and learner-centered learning, all of which compel the student to become part of the learning process--not just the object of lectures or reading materials. This fast-paced session will begin with a quick overview of the recent brain research regarding learning and the adolescent brain, and then look at over 35+ games that fall into the categories of action/adventure, games of battle, building games, puzzle games, role-playing games, games of sport, and strategy games. We also have game templates, and additional resources and pertinent infographics to gaming and education. We will be presenting from a PPT and our GenZ and Gaming Site: http://bit.ly/genz_gaming.  The PPT is posted in Edmodo. Group Code is rueaeo.

Strand:  Gaming

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Karen Van Vliet, Troutman Middle School

Kathy Beck, Iredell Statesville Schools




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  303


Has Your PD Got Game?  Taking Your Professional Learning To The Next Level 

Professional development doesn't have to be boring! In this session, participants will learn how to apply the elements of good game design to their professional development for an experience that inspires teachers, energizes instruction and impacts students.

Strand:  Gaming

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Jennifer LaGarde, NCDPI

Jennifer Northrup, Flat Rock Middle School


Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  304


Running your own PD: Edcamp Style 

ow do you get buy-in from faculty and staff for your professional development? How do you share the collective knowledge of your faculty with one another? Use the Edcamp model to flip traditional PD on it's head!

Strand:  Professional development

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Bethany Smith, NC State University

Steven Anderson, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Dorene Bates, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Marlo Gaddis, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Mark Samberg, Bertie County Schools





Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  305A


Don't be a n00b!  Get the strats and tacs you need to be kewl! 

Don't just play-create!  Get your digital natives excited about learning through educational video game creation using free online resources.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   Intermediate       Platform:  All platforms

Jennifer Starkey, West Lee Middle School

Jennifer Black, West Lee Middle School




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  305B


Work Smarter...Not Harder: Productivity Tech for Teachers 

Know any of those teachers who seem to have it all together and organized? Want to know some of their secrets? Come to our session and we'll show you some of the greatest new tools out there to help teachers work smarter, not harder.

Strand:  Professional development

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   Beginner       Platform:  All platforms

Elizabeth Marshall, Cape Fear Middle School

Chad Cooper, Cape Fear Middle School


The session materials and resources are located on my website: https://sites.google.com/a/pender.k12.nc.us/elizabeth_marshall/home/professional-development 


Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  306A


Get Your Game On with The Library of Congress and Primary Sources! 

Join two school library media coordinators who pair children's fiction and nonfiction with historical primary sources from the Library of Congress to extend learning throughout the curriculum.  Share our experiences linking primary sources to literature, making books more revelant, and promoting inquiry-based learning to motivate and engage students.

Strand:  Project-based learning lesson/unit planning

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle      Skill Level:   Beginner       Platform:  PC

Caryn Levy, Leicester Elementary~ Buncombe County Schools

Vicki Kolomechuk, Valley Springs Middle ~ Buncombe County Schools





Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  306B


Digital Literacy for Personalized Learning: Tools, Techniques, and Transformation

We say we're digitally literate. We know it's important to evaluate the content of a Web-based resource. Beyond that, do we truly understand the scope of what it means to research, read, write, and publish in a digital world? What are the major goals of digital literacy? 

This session identifies the six major goals of digital literacy and their alignment to the North Carolina Essential Standards for Information and Technology Skills and the 4Cs. Participants will access a research-based toolkit that offers details of each goal with supporting tools and articles, and standards alignment. 


Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Bobby Hobgood




Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  306C


We Can Fly! Using Interdisciplinary Google Earth Lit Trips to Build Background Knowledge 

This session will explore the use of Google Earth Lit Trips to integrate social studies, literature, and technology. Google Earth allows you to ''fly'' to places within literature to build background knowledge for your students as they read. Strategies for using Google Earth Lit Trips in the classroom will be explored, including examples made by current teachers and preservice teachers. Tips for creating your own Google Earth Lit Trips will be shared and benefits for using Google Earth Lit Trips with diverse learners will be discussed.

Strand:  Web 2.0

Target Audience:  K-12      Skill Level:   All Levels       Platform:  All platforms

Melissa Beeson, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro



Concurrent Session  6

Thursday, March 7, 2013            3:40pm-4:30pm

Location:  402


Featured Speaker - Richard Byrne

Awesome Android Apps for Educators and Students: 

This session provides participants not only with a run down of great apps for use on phones and tablets, but also provides context, including Common Core correlations, and examples of how to use these apps in their classrooms and schools. 



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