Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 201 RCC
Commercial Tablets in K-12 E118
K-12 educators and technology personnel face challenges supporting consumer focused tablets. The EltePad 900 is the first tablet designed specifically for commercial use. K-12 technology professionals now have a true alternative to consider in the tablet category. With the EitePad 900, you have a machine that runs X86 architecture and Windows 8 Professional, which will allow for legacy, K-12 applications to be loaded. The touch screen, with optional pen, makes it the perfect device for test taking. In addition, with HP's well thought out ecosystem for the ElitePad, you can get a full scale notebook computer which could be nice for teachers and administrators.
Target Audience: K-12
Kevin Oakley, Hewlett-Packard
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 202 RCC
Mobile Device Manager
FileWave Inc. is a sole source provider of our patented fileset technology. We are a cross platform (PC, Macs & Linux devices) enterprise operating system, software deployment and software update solution. We offer full hardware and software inventory reporting. Mobile Device Management for iOS is fully integrated. FileWave Kiosk allows for administrative functionality offering optional downloads to your end users. Our patented fileset technology manages hardware and software for your enterprise. Audience would be leadership that makes buying decisions for district hardware and software.
Target Audience: Administration
Rob Sanders, Filewave
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 203 RCC
Connect and Collaborate with Edmodo E120
Come learn about Edmodo - the free social learning platform for education. In Edmodo's secure environment, teachers and students can collaborate, share content, and use educational apps to augment in-classroom learning. These powerful capabilities enable teachers to personalize learning for every student, better collaborate with peers, and enhance professional learning. This will be a hands-on session so bring your laptop or device!
Target Audience: K-12
Grace Ting, Edmodo
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 204 RCC
Classroom Technology that Improves Learning and Ensures Student Safety E121
Audio Enhancement was founded on the simple idea that learning begins with hearing. Audio Enhancement pioneered wireless microphone technology for classrooms. These systems improve student achievement, positive behavior, and decrease teacher vocal fatigue. Every day, the teacher wears the lightweight microphone that has a function button and when activated sends an alert to first responders. With the optional security camera, the first responders can see and hear what’s happening in the classroom and determine the level of threat and the response necessary to deal with the emergency. Audio Enhancement continues to lead with innovative solutions.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Frank Keith, Proven Learning
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: State A Marriott
Play to learn with SMART! E176
Play to learn with SMART! E176
Target Audience: K-8
Harvey Almarode of, SMART Technologies
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: State B Marriott
iOS 6 Education Deployment Guide
Join us to learn from an Apple Systems Engineer about the new iOS 6 Education Deployment Guide designed for those responsible for the deployment of iOS devices, from IT leadership to implementors.The guide highlights best practices and considerations relevant to deploying and supporting iOS 6 devices in education environments
Target Audience: K-12
Greg Hall, System Engineer, Apple
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 301A
Developing and Implementing a 21st Century Instructional Support Model
This session will feature an instructional support model implemented in Pitt County high schools and middles schools this year. In order to meet technology and instructional needs, Pitt County has expanded and intertwined the collaborative rolls of the instructional coach, the media coordinator and the media clerk (assistant). Pitt County's Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Media, as well as a high school's instructional coach and media coordinator, will describe the process and showcase their successes with this new instructional support initiative.
Strand: Administration/leadership
Target Audience: Administration, Other Skill Level: All Levels Platform: PC
Karen Gardner, Ayden-Grifton High School
Tim DeCresie, Pitt County Schools
Amy Hilliard, Ayden-Grifton High School
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 301B
Do It With Technology: Using iPads in Science and Social Studies
This session will teachers various activities on using iPads to teach Science and Social Studies based on NC Essential Standards.
Strand: Technology planning
Presentation Handout:
Presentation PDF:
Target Audience: Elementary Skill Level: Beginner Platform: Mac
Crystal Ellis, Rowan-Salisbury School System
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 302A
PD for Us Lazy People
Have you ''googled'' today? Did you ''bookmark'' that site? Maybe you ''pinned it''? Everyday, teachers scan and evaluate the web for school-related sites. How about having them send the best links right to you? You could learn and grow everyday from what other educators are sharing on the web and barely lift a finger! Come learn how to contribute to and benefit from the world of social bookmarking and have the Professional Development that interests YOU delivered fresh every day!
All links and tricks presented during this presentation can be found here:
Strand: Professional development
Target Audience: K-12, Administration Skill Level: Intermediate Platform: PC, Mac
Kevin Spencer, Roanoke City Public Schools
Matthew Walker, Roanoke City Public Schools
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 302B
Capturing the moment...Memories with a Purpose
Discover the power and art behind video archiving your school's best practices and more importantly, the impact it has on your students. Experience one alternative school's ''Year-in Review'' that archives daily instructional practices, fieldtrips, guest speakers, graduation, and student initiated daily announcements. Learn how these videos serve as a medium to boost student morale and motivate learners daily. In this interactive session, participants will not only view a sample of the school's archive but together will create a video trailer in IMovie utilizing skills that they can put to immediate use within their own schools.
Strand: Technology planning
See Edmodo page for presentation links.
Target Audience: Middle, High, K-12 Skill Level: All Levels Platform: All platforms
Wendy Williams, Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Mandy Love, Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 302C
Wii Math: Engaging Students Through Gaming Technology
Digiblocks, unifix cubes, and Livescribe pens are becoming commonplace in the math classroom, but what about using a technology tool the students are familiar with outside of school? Learn how a handful of educators are using the Nintendo Wii to support math instruction, motivate students, and make meaningful connections in their math classrooms. Find out how to acquire a Wii for your school. Participate in some awesome Wii math lessons aligned with Common Core State Standards. Discover the power of gaming on authentic learning.
Join the Wii Instrucional Network:
Strand: Gaming
Target Audience: K-12 Skill Level: All Levels Platform: All platforms
Matthew Winner, Longfellow ES/Howard Co Public Schools
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 303
Free Online Resources from DPI - Dan Sparlin, NC WiseOwl Webmaster
The implementation of the Common Core and NC Essential Standards has resulted in an increased emphasis on research and higher-level thinking skills. This session will focus on supporting the new standards by using online resources available through DPI's WiseOwl program.
Strand: Other
Target Audience: K-12 Skill Level: All Levels Platform: All platforms
Dan Sparlin, NCDPI
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 304
Google Scripting 101
Scripting with Google takes your documents all to the next level. Come learn how you can use scripts to send emails, generate mailings, create all types of data from your Google Documents.
Strand: Professional development
Target Audience: K-12, Administration Skill Level: Intermediate Platform: All platforms
John Warf, MCNC
Pam Hayes, Education
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 305A
Interactive Data Boards
Tired of moving sticky notes around a poster board to track student test data? Join me to learn how to utilize interactive whiteboards to creatively project and manipulate student test data to improve achievement.
The Template for Interactive Data Board Smart Board Notebook can be found at
Strand: Other
Target Audience: K-12, Administration Skill Level: Beginner Platform: All platforms
Deb Smith, Roanoke City Public Schools
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 305B
Edmodo: Implementation to Full Integration
Teach with tools students crave. Real-time collaborative learning has never been easier with Edmodo! Facilitate student learning, explore effective management strategies and get tips and tricks for gamification. Organize and share library resources. Use Edmodo integration with a digital library full of resources you can start using tomorrow.
Strand: Gaming
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration Skill Level: Intermediate Platform: All platforms
Bobbie Combs, Clay County Schools
Kacey Sensenich, Cumberland County Schools
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 306A
Turning Mirrors into Windows - Implementing K-8 Blended and Online Learning
This presentation will explore the potential avenues for introducing distance education and blended/distance learning to elementary and middle grades. The focus will be on the pedagogy and best practices of online and blended learning and its application for students in the primary and middle grades. Special attention will be given to questions of initial development of such programs, and the challenges unique to this learner population.
Strand: Other
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, Administration Skill Level: All Levels Platform: PC
Amanda Cadran, North Carolina State University
Contact Amanda @AmandaCadran on Twitter
Or at
To keep the conversation going!
Resources for Amanda's Presentation: - Link to view Amanda's Prezi
PBL Checklist and Menu.xlsx - For help planning web-based projects and other forms of PBL. This includes a checklist for the classroom teacher and for the technology facilitator. - International Association for K-12 Online Learning. There are great references here, including research and publications.
List of Web-Based Programs:
Web-Based Resources for Sharing - from Amanda Cadran
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 306B
Teaching Online Boot Camp: Using the three pillars of online teaching to become an effective teacher
Along with a panel of experts, participants will take a look at creating their classroom's culture in online education, best practices for effective online instruction, and how to develop a sense of community and relationships in an online environment.
Strand: Professional development
Target Audience: K-12, Administration Skill Level: All Levels Platform: All platforms
Janice Silver, North Carolina Virtual Public School
Marcia Simmons, North Carolina Virtual Public School
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 306C
Extreme Makeover - Lesson Plan Edition
This session will provide practical, engaging ideas for converting ''old school'' lessons into 21st Century Masterpieces! Bring your frumpy, out of style lessons and we will transform them into collaborative, engaging, digital lessons ideal for Common core!
Strand: 1:1 Computing
Target Audience: Middle, High Skill Level: All Levels Platform: All platforms
Alison Schleede, Mooresville High School
Tracey Waid, Mooresville High School
Concurrent Session 1
Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:30am-9:20am
Location: 402
Featured Speaker: Richard Byrne
Mind mapping, timelines, and collaborative brainstorming:
In this session participants will explore free web-based tools, iPad apps, and Android apps they can use with their students for creating timelines, graphic organizers, and other formats for recording and synthesizing information and ideas.
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